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Implementing Physical Protection Systems: A Practical Guide 2nd Edition pdf ISBN: 978-1-934904-41-1 - Chapter 1 defines PPSs and their three major functions: preventive, corrective, and detective.
Chapter 2 discusses the system development life cycle for security systems and explains each phase.
Chapter 3 addresses project management, specifically tailored to implementing PPSs. Its goal is to help managers accomplish projects on time and under budget.
Chapter 4 provides guidance on planning issues related to implementing PPSs.
Chapter 5 outlines the important precepts of designing PPSs and preparing the design specifications that will be sent to potential bidders during the procurement phase. Chapter 5 also provides techniques for estimating PPS costs, including the concept of life-cycle costs.
208 pages
ISBN: 978-1-934904-41-1
Author: David G. Patterson, CPP, PSP